Sunday, 30 December 2012

A caterpillar, a bear and the moon

Yesterday I took mummy to the Kennedy Center to see a puppet show based on Eric Carle's books.

We took the metro and a bus before we arrived in the Hall of Nations with lots of pretty flags - I found the American Flag, the Australian Flag and really liked the one with the leaf on it.

After a drink in the lobby we went into the see the play. I was anxious for it to begin and it was very exciting to watch the other families come in and wait for the lights to go down.

It was a no shuussshing show so I got to yell out loud which was great!

I liked all the puppets - Mummy particularly liked the hungry caterpillar when he got very fat and built himself a cocoon

We rode home again on the Metro and I walked nearly all the way home without being carried

It was a big day and I flaked out on the couch before dinner

It was a very nice (if exhausting) Keating-Mummy date.

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