Monday, 24 November 2014

best birthday ever!

We went to Boston and had a long weekend to celebrate my birthday

I am a big fan of JetBlue - they actually have snacks on domestic flights and free luggage check in - and I can watch Cartoon Network as we are flying along.

The first day was a big day as we flew out of DC at 600am. By 900am I had been in a cab, a plane, a train, a bus and a tram. A big day for transportation!

We took a trolley tour of Boston and got out bearings though I must admit to falling asleep between stops 12 and 16.

At stop 16 we got off and visited the Boston Tea Party museum. No sight of Sarah Palin but I had fund throwing mock tea into the ocean. As I did all the folk around shouted 'huzzah!' in support of my treason against King George III.

Day two was a beautiful clear winter's day and after a dip in the heated pool at the hotel we went ice-skating. I struggled and mummy was not much better but we had fun.

Mummy and me with the thinker frog at the frog pond Boston Common
After a quick stop for a Happy Meal (no boys toys left and only Hello Kitty!) we visited some gravestones for people who died before James Cook even set foot in Australia.

But day three was the best. It was my birthday !

Started the morning with some presents and a swim and then we braved the rain to catch the train to the Lego Centre. It was a great morning making lego, looking at other people's lego constructions, going on Lego rides.
Amazing gravestones with grim reapers and skulls

After a quick lunch we caught the train and bus back to the airport and were home in Arlington in time to open more presents before dinner.

Thanks to everyone for my lovely presents. Hope you got my Skype messages.

Glad to be 5.

Wifi in the Park? How civilised!

Make way for Ducklings!
Geese walking on the ice at Boston Common

Building a dragon in Legoland Masterclass

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